France - Le Pont d'Ouve - fortification in lancastrian normandy

Pont d'Ouve

Department: Manche.
Administrative district: Arr. Carentan
Geographic situation: Bridge fortification over the river Douve, situated at the neck of the Cherbourg peninsular.
Type of defence: Fortified bridge and castle.
Dates: Unknown.
Archaeological remains: Low-lying site making use of the marshland that surrounds the site. Various earthworks now heavily overgrown and difficult to interprete. No above ground evidence.
History 1417-50:
17 March 1418: Surrender of castle.
Archaeological remains, 1417-50: None.
BN MS Fr. 26044 no. 5711: 23 March 1422 n.s.: 60 l.t. paid for repairs to the roofing.
BN MS Fr. 26066 no. 3836: 15 August 1439: 75 s.t paid for the recutting of the corbels situated on the 'grosse tour et danjon' as well as other minor works.
BN MS Fr. 26066 no. 3837: 16 August 1439: 7 l. 15 s.t. for lime and sand delivered to the castle and destined for the repairs.
BN MS Fr. 26066 no. 3866: 2 October 1439: Work in the grosse tour, the basse cour and other various works costing 23 l. 12 s.t.

the state of fortification in lancastrian normandy, 1417-50
fortification index

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Aide for repairs to fortifications.
BN MS Fr. 26048 no. 402: 20 March 1424: Payment for
pionniers, charretiers, charpentiers and macons for unspecified work at Carentan (town and castle ?).
BN MS Fr. 26048 no. 446: 4 August 1425: 20 l.t. for roofing slates for repairs to the castle.
BN MS Fr. 26049 no. 911: 29 June 1428: Repairs to
pont-levis, chapel and 'chambre du capitaine' at castle and buildings in the town, cost 7 l. 11 s. 2 d.t.
BN MS Fr. 26076 no. 5717: 1446: Account of 'oeuvres et reparations' in the
vicomté of Carentan, including works on the walls, pont levis, roofing and various other works at the castle.
BN MS Fr. 26078 no. 6060: 13 January 1449 n.s.: 46 l. 15 s.t. for work undertaken on one of the bridges leading to the town.
Texts for artillery:
BN MS Fr. 26077 no. 5908: 15 March 1448 n.s.: Mention of gunpowder in the castle

Department: Manche.
Administrative district: Arr. Saint-Lï, Ch.-l. Cant.
Geographic situation: Major urban centre defending the road running from Cherbourg to Evreux. Lying at the neck of the Cotentin peninsular, the fortifications of the town strengthened the natural marshland and forest defences that protected the whole of this important area. Also within a few miles of the northern coast of Normandy.
Type of fortification: Castle and town ensemble reconstructed at the end of the Middle Ages. Town walls protected by circular and square mural towers. Two gatehouses defending the accesses of the Cherbourg-Evreux road. Castle situated to south of town (courtyard type). Both the town defences and castle surrounded by wide ditches.
Dates: 1150 + Origins of castle and town fortifications. Castle rebuilt and redesigned after 1346.
Archaeological remains: None.
History 1417-50:
16 March 1417: Capitulation of town to Duke of Gloucester.
26 September 1449: Surrendered to the French by composition.
Archaeological remains, 1417-50: None.
Bréquigny 306: 23 February 1420 n.s.: Repairs to the walls.
Arch dép. C, Fonds Danquin (Carentan): 23 April 1421 n.s.: Repairs to the walls.
Bréquigny 1117: 22 May 1422:


Department: Manche.
Administrative district: Ch.-l. Arr.
Geographic situation: Strategic port at the head of the Cotentin peninsular. One of the best fortified places in Normandy.
Type of fortification: Castle and town defence. Castle dominated a fortified port and was integral to the town fortifications. The latter were made up by a powerful
enceinte, furnished with mural towers and strong gatehouses. The whole was considered by contemporaries as one of the most powerful fortifications found in Normandy.
Dates: The origins of Cherbourg probably date from the Roman period. Castle redesigned in the period immediately prior to the Lancastrian invasion, 1360+
Archaeological remains: None.
History 1417-50:
22 August 1418: Fell to English.
12 August 1450: Cherbourg recaptured, the last fortification to fall to the French.
Archaeological remains, 1417-50: None.
BN MS Fr. 26045 no. 5901: n.d.: Roofing, plastering and the delivery of chaux and nails for repairs to the castle.
Bodl. Foreign Ch. 249: 21 October 1418: Order to carry out repairs on the walls of the castle and town.
PRO E101/187/14 memb. 25 dors: 1419: Repairs to the walls of the castle.
BN Pièces Orig. 3049 doss. Westby: 21 July 1419: Repairs to castle?
BN MS Fr. 26047 no. 296: 17 July 1424: Work of roofing between the room of the captain and the Tour du Colombier (Galleries).
BN MS Fr. 26047 no. 305: 6 August 1424: Certificate showing that work at the Tour du Colombier had been achieved.
Arch Dép. M.: 1429?: Repairs to the castle.
BN Nouv Acq. Latin 2210 no. 4?: 1429: Repairs to castle.
BN MS Fr. 26049 no. 659: 20 November 1426: Various works at the castle.
BN MS Fr. 26049 no. 665: 17 December 1426: Works on the Porte de la Rigolle, on the galleries and roofing.
BN MS Fr. 26049 no. 684: 18 February 1427 n.s.: Various works associated with BN MS Fr. 26049 nos. 659 and 665.
BN MS Fr. 26049 no. 722: 19 May 1427: Delivery of chaux for unknown purposes.
Bodl. Foreign Ch. 270: 25 May 1427: 100 s.t. paid for the fetching of materials for the rebuilding of Cherbourg.
BN MS Fr. 26051 no. 972: 26 October 1428: Fenestration, railings on walls, repairs to a corbel and various other carpentry works.
BN MS Fr. 26051 no. 973: 26 October 1428: Ropes, cost 28 s.t.
BN Pièces Orig. 1203 doss. Fortescu 17: 1 September 1429: Work on ditches.
BN Nouv Acq. 1482 no. 123: 12 December 1432: Various repairs and the grant of 500 l.t. to be used in the refortification of Cherbourg.
BN MS Fr. 26060 no. 2707: 5 January 1436 n.s.: Detailed account of delivery of wood to the castle of Cherbourg.
PRO PR 438 memb. 7 dorso: 25 January 1436: Repairs to town.
BN MS Fr. 26062 no. 3184: 26 May 1437: Masonry and carpentry at the town and castle. Gunports at one of the town gates.
